Anchari Devi Dasi
Mother Anchari, Author of Master Mind in Ayurveda,
Ayurveda is a "Sanskrit" word that means "knowledge of life". Its roots are deeply buried in the ancient culture of India. Ayur means “life” and “Veda” means knowledge. Ayurveda Medicine is considered the oldest natural healing system. Ayurveda is truly holistic because it encompasses the practice of healing the spirit, mind, and body.
Mission: to offer guidance in Vedic techniques of spiritual life, the spiritual tools for all to experience and follow: Godconscious
1. Begin and End the day with SADHANA ( Mantras , Prayers , Chanting , Meditation)
2.Have an attitude of gratitude
3. Perform Good Deeds
4.Positive Thinking
5. Aroma Therapy
6.Laughing- Yoga
7. Pranayama
(Breathing Techniques)
8.SATTVIC PRASADAM ( Sacred Diet). In the mode of goodness
10. AHIMSA ( non-violence) to all LIVING-ENTITIES